Aimee Cunningham cherche partenaire tandem anglais - wolof - français

ApellidoAimee Cunningham
Edad31 ans
Departamento75 - Paris
Lengua maternaAnglais - Wolof
Idioma por aprenderFrançais
Nivel en FrançaisIntermediario

Hullo, I'm (an American) living here in Paris and teaching english in a primary school a few days a week. I've lived in Senegal, the Gambia and now France and am trying to solidify my french skills. I have been teaching english for a few years and have more experience with children but I am very patient and willing to do this exchange. I would prefer to meet up in cafes, or nice little parks around the city where we could watch passersby. I like urban exploring and discovering new facets of culture and myself. Hopefully we can be friends and help each others language along the way. -Aimee

Hola Aimee Cunningham,

Descubri su tandem propuesta en el sitio

Mi nombre es * y yo * años.

Presento : *

Tal vez podamos formar un tandem ?

Puede ponerse en contacto commigo en la siguiente direccion de correo electronico *
o por telefon al *

Espero oir de usted pronto !

J'ai pris connaissance des conditions générales d'utilisation de Tandem-linguistique et je m’engage à les respecter