Sarah cherche partenaire tandem français - anglais

Age22 ans
Departement92 - Hauts-de-Seine
Je suis aussi sur skype
Spoken languageFrançais
Language to learnAnglais
Level at AnglaisBeginner

Je m'appelle Sarah, je suis étudiante pour devenir prof en biotechnologie et je dois trouver un tandem anglais dans le cadre de mon cours d'anglais. Je dois échanger sur 6 thème différents durant 20 minutes. Je dois échanger en 6 séances:

My name is Sarah, I am a student to become biotechnology teacher and I must find someone who speak english friendly for my English. I have to trade in 6 sessions

I have to talk with someone who speaks English on different topics.

There are 6 themes to be covered in 6 sessions (20 minutes for 1 session):

There are 6 themes to be covered in 6 sessions (20 minutes for 1 session):

- Session 1: What about your countries? Ask questions about your partner’s country.

- Session 2: How and where do you imagine yourself in 20 years? (Job, family, etc…)

- Session 3: Climate changes! What can we do?

- Session 4: Hobbies (Cinema, literature, sports, travels, etc…)

- Session 5: What do you think of digital and technological changes? (Internet, social media, videoconferencing, AI, health, technology in our everyday lives, etc…)

- Session 6 : Projects for Christmas holidays (family tradition, food, presents, etc…)

Hello Sarah,

I found your proposal on the site

My name is * and I am * years old.

I introduce myself : *

Maybe we can form a tandem ?

You can reach me at this email address *
or by phone at *

I hope to hear from you soon !

J'ai pris connaissance des conditions générales d'utilisation de Tandem-linguistique et je m’engage à les respecter