Tariq cherche partenaire tandem anglais - hindî - français - allemand

Edad33 ans
Departamento68 - Haut-Rhin
Lengua maternaAnglais - Hindî
Idioma por aprenderFrançais - Allemand
Nivel en FrançaisExperto
Nivel en AllemandNovato

I'm new to Alsace. I've been living in France for over 5 years now. My education so far has been entirely in English medium and I have native/bilingual proficiency. I'm a gifted polyglot who can speak 5 languages & 2 dialects fluently. I like helping out those who like learning English, so feel free to contact me. It shall help me practice my vocabulary and stay fluent. I'm fluent in French too but doesn't hurt to improve. I'm also a novice in German so definitely would like to learn. I have many Spanish-speaking friends, so would be interesting to learn that as well.

Hola Tariq,

Descubri su tandem propuesta en el sitio tandem-linguistique.org.

Mi nombre es * y yo * años.

Presento : *

Tal vez podamos formar un tandem ?

Puede ponerse en contacto commigo en la siguiente direccion de correo electronico *
o por telefon al *

Espero oir de usted pronto !

J'ai pris connaissance des conditions générales d'utilisation de Tandem-linguistique et je m’engage à les respecter